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Created from photo entries sent in each year which have been taken in and around Ipstones.
Click image for our FB page or below to find out more about us.
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Christine Hunt
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Contact - Jane Fleet
Providing lifelong support for the armed forces community. New members wanted!
Contact - Margaret Burnett - 07973480184
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Contact - Nichola Edwards
You are eligible once you have reached age. Ladies must be 60 or over, and gentlemen 65 years young.
We have lots of fun at coffee mornings and bus trips, so come and join us.
Click the image to go to our FB page.
A welcoming weekly get-together over a delightful lunch.
Are you over 60?
If so come and join us, and if you need transport we can organise that too.
Contact Sue Evans - 01538 266313
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Children here enjoy the wide variety of academic, artistic, sporting and community activities that take place on a regular basis that help make St. Leonard’s a vibrant educational establishment and a very happy school.
Contact us on 01538 266292
(OR) click on the image to go to our website.
Meetings are usually the last Wednesday of the Month (but please check as this could change due to holidays or unforeseen circumstances).
Meetings are usually held at either Ipstones Memorial Hall or Foxt Village Hall
Contact Heather James
01538 266720 or 07748018845
(OR) click the image to go to the website
A beautiful church in a lovely setting.
Constructed in 1789-92.
Contact Revd. Michael Evans
on 01538 266313
The Vicarage, Church Lane,
Ipstones, ST10 2LF
Froghall Road, Ipstones, ST10 2NA
To contact please email:
or phone: 01785 898844
(OR) click the image to go to the website.
'The common good', refers to a Trust set up to purchase a 3 acre field in the centre of Ipstones, to ensure that it will remain ‘Forever Green’.
It is commonly grazed by local farmers.
Contact: Barry Shuttleworth
01538 266633
Bell Ringing
David Jack